Computer sock knitting machine

Release time: 2019-09-30 16:01:20  Hits: 62

Main Features

Electronic jacquard socks knitting machines with full computerized control system(drumless),could knit all types of pattern and style of man socks ,women socks,baby socks and children socks,etc.

Needle system adopt the Japanese producing technology which own high stability and resistance to wear

Controller is equipped with LCD,and language,it. could show the production speed, programs,some error etc.

Because of 6F design software,for terry socks ,or plain socks,each_cycle,could knit 5 main colors, at most could knit 16 colors.Cutting yarn automatically double speed design.

Action and yarn lines are controlled by electrical pneumatic.

Step motor control the density of knitting and yarn tension.

That designed with double up pickers and double down pickers,could raise the production and is suitable to knit Y heel.

Having "SUP"function.

Automatic alarm system could show the socks needle broken,yarn broken,other errors So, we could reduce the defective rate of socks and socks needle

Equipped the UPS,machine can keep the memory of program and the knitting action of the power is cut suddenly,when the power restored ,machine the knitting.

Weaving process can be edited through the machine' keyboard.

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