Computerized seamless underwear knitting machine

Release time: 2019-09-30 16:05:49  Hits: 107

 Cylinder Size: 12-17Inch

 Feeder: 8F

 R.P.M: 100R.P.M (13") This will be depends on the cylinder size, yam,pattern designs, kitting conditions will with lit difference.

 Gauge: 12-32G

Selection Actuator: Each feed equipped with 2actuators, of Class 16,enabling 3- service positions for needle selection.

Yarn finger : Each feed with 9 main yarn fingers any jacquard, independent for single feeder with colors.

Yarn Binders: 4,8 feeds, each feed has 2 yarn binders

Pull System: Suction with independent or centralized exhauster system to realize the automatic pulling force of fabric, the machine comes with a torsional device to improve the flat surface evenness of fabric.

Tying technology: using yarn gripper and cutter for the knitting of single or many rubber lined double layer waistband fabric

 Terry function: With terry function is for customer option.




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